Thursday 18 August 2011

Welcome to the world of Ayurveda - Kerala

Ayurveda offers solutions for most of the ailments and diseases. The Ayurvedic tradition and practice in Kerala has evolved over the years some unique treatments. These are Shirodhara, Sarvanga Dhara, Pizhichil, Navarakkizhi, Sirovasti, Pichu and Sirolepa. Besides these specialised methods, the popular Panchakarma treatments in Kerala are Snehapanam Kashayavasthy, Snehavasthy, Nasyam, Virechanam and Raktamoksham

Ayurveda in Kerala, as in the rest of India, originated over 5000 years ago. The Rig Veda, 
the ancient book of wisdom specifically mentions the existence, acceptance and practice of Ayurvedic treatments like the rejuvenation treatments, yoga therapy and panchakarma treatments in ancient India. The rulers of the day provided every support for popularizing these ayurveda treatments.

The basic principle of Ayurveda is to focus on the prevention of disease, rejuvenation of body and to increase the life span. The Ayurveda treatment is a systematic approach based on diet, massages, herbs, meditation and yoga, along with special therapy known as  Panchakarma. This wholesome approach maintains the balance between body and mind

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